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CNBMCOE with the latest CdTe POWER GLASS Appeared at the World Clean Energy Equipment Exhibition 2022

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From August27 to 29, the World Clean Energy Equipment Exhibition 2022 was held in DeyangWende International Convention and Exhibition Center. CNBMCOE presentedits latest CdTe POWER GALSS series products at the exhibition,which were well received by leaders of all parties and visitors.

At thisexhibition, CNBMCOE exhibited the latest CdTe POWER GALSS, which gained a lot of attention. CdTe POWER GALSS is an assembled component with an overheadstructure at the bottom, which can replace the traditional roof tile and reducethe weight of the roof. It has the advantages of physical waterproof,convenient installation, thermal insulation and provides clean electricity forthe building. Moreover, it has a variety of shapes and colors to choose from,which can match the height of the traditional roof and can be flexiblyinstalled to meet the architectural aesthetic requirements.

Thelow-light power generation demonstration area set up at the entrance of theexhibition hall attracted visitors to watch and experience. CdTe POWER GALSS can use indoor light to light the bulbs, whichwon the guests' praise. Many visitors took photos and video recorded the momentCdTe POWER GALSS lights the bulbs.

The recenthigh temperature and dry weather caused a large area of Sichuan Province to cutelectricity, making people pay more attention to energy issues. CdTe POWER GALSS of CNBMChengdu provided about 5000 degreesof clean electricity every day for the Chuankai Electric plant during the powerrestriction period, which solved the urgent need of the park. This fresh casealso made CdTe POWER GALSS attracted much attention in thisexhibition.

Leaders ofthe Equipment Department of the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechnology, representatives from Bangladesh and other participants came to CNBMCOE to learn about CdTe POWER GALSS.  After visiting thebooth, Zhao Chuangye, a member of the Standing Committee of the DeyangMunicipal Committee and commander of the Deyang Military Sub-region, highlypraised CdTe POWER GALSS. He believed that CdTe POWER GALSS’ technology is green, low carbon and has a greatfuture. In the layout of the national "double carbon" strategy, ithas a very broad market prospect.

As a greenand low-carbon energy building material, CdTe POWER GALSS has also attracted a lot of media attention, SichuanObservation, Deyang Daily, Deyang Radio and Television and other media havecome to the booth, CNBM Chengdu’s buildingmaterials CdTe POWER GALSS for interviews.

Through thisexhibition, the popularity and influence of CdTe POWER GALSS are effectively expanded. The advantage of CdTe POWER GALSS weak light power generation, beautiful andchangeable appearance, attracted the attention of leaders, experts, enterprisesat home and abroad, for many visitors to the exhibition is played a good rolein popular science, so that more people see the magic glass will generateelectricity, magic glass can empower the building, let the building into abeautiful and environmental protection "micro power station".

